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Senator Lee Releases Dirty Dozen Disasters In So Called Border Deal

Senator Lee Releases Dirty Dozen Disasters in So-Called Border Deal

Utah Senator Mike Lee has released a list of 12 "disasters" that he says are hidden in the proposed border deal.

Lee, a Republican, said the deal would not secure the border and would instead lead to a surge in illegal immigration.

The deal was negotiated by a bipartisan group of senators, but it has not been approved by Congress. It would provide $1.7 billion for border security and would also create a path to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants.

Lee said the 12 "disasters" in the deal include:

  • The creation of a new bureaucracy to oversee border security
  • The suspension of deportations for some undocumented immigrants
  • The granting of amnesty to undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes
  • The expansion of welfare benefits to undocumented immigrants
  • The reduction of border patrol agents
  • The construction of a new border fence that is only 700 miles long
  • The legalization of marijuana
  • The imposition of new taxes

Lee said these "disasters" would make the border less secure and would lead to a surge in illegal immigration. He urged Congress to reject the deal.


Lee's release of this list is sure to further polarize the debate over immigration reform. Those who support the deal will likely dismiss Lee's claims, while those who oppose the deal will likely use them to bolster their arguments. Ultimately, it is up to Congress to decide whether or not to approve the deal.


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